Friday, September 13, 2024

Hospitality through Kindness, Encouragement and Sharing

A kindhearted woman gains honor…Proverbs 11:16a  NIV 

A gracious woman attains honor…Proverbs 11:16a  ESV

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.      Proverbs 31: 26 ESV

Our practical lesson today was learning how to be prepared to share. We practiced the procedures for waterbath canning choosing peaches and apples for jam and cherry juice for jelly.

Red Hot Apple Jam

Ameretto Peach Jam

Cherries Jubilee Jelly

These ladies are a joy to work with in the kitchen
as we learn new kitchen skills together.
Working together they have prepared wonderfully
tasty jam and jelly to share with others.

Preparing the fruit.

Cooking the Jam and Canning in Jars

Sharing Our Experience

Tasting the final Product

Inviting in our guys for a 
final taste test.



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