Friday, August 13, 2021

Gracious Hospitality 2021

 We begin our 2021 Fall Semester studying about God's grace and his hospitality toward us and how He commands us as believers to practice hospitality toward others.

We had the opportunity to be in the kitchen together today to explore and cook with fresh herbs and the different flavors they impart to our foods. We used the herbs to add flavor to different types of summer and winter squash.

Baked Butternut Squash with Red Curry

Butternut Squash with Sage and Cranberries

Zucchini and Thyme

Green Peas with Dill and Walnuts

Spaghetti Squash with Rosemary and Oregano

Yellow Squash with Oregano,Thyme and Chive

Cream Cheese and Dill Corn

Yellow Squash with Basil and Onions

The best part of class is getting to taste the wonderful dishes that were created.
Each of the cooking teams instructs us on how the dish was prepared.

A blessed day for sure.