Monday, April 14, 2008

Gracious Hospitality in Real Life

It was truly a blessing each week of class to read how each of you graciously shared your lives with those around you. I have asked some of you to share your hospitality experiences with the rest of us. The following is from the Jeff and Kristina Sims family. What a blessing they are to all of us.

Kristina and I have an open invitation to our S.I.B.I. class to come over and eat in our home every Wednesday night before church. We had no idea what a blessing it would be to our family. It started with fourteen people the first week, and it's been growing ever since. We've hosted as many as twenty-six. It has given our class a chance to talk outside of the classroom and to really get to know each other in a deeper way. We feel like we're making relationships that will last a lifetime, and we're having a blast at the same time. Our children have also gotten to know our friends very well and have enjoyed playing together with their children. We've had the chance to play games with each other, to share trials and joys together, and to encourage each other to keep going even when school gets tough. We've been really blessed in our support and know that some of our classmates really appreciate the free meal each Wednesday. Kristina has done a great job cooking and cleaning every week. She is able to try new recipes, and share some old favorites. I love getting to see her enjoy the company and share her recipes. I'm excited that she's getting so much practice in hosting. I know she'll use the skills she's learning now for the rest of our lives, and our family and friends are sure to be blessed for many years to come.

-Jeff Sims

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